A deposition is one method attorneys use to find out information to help prepare a case for trial. Normally, a deposition can be taken of anyone who may have relevant information about the facts of the case.
The person who is deposed is called the deponent. At your deposition, you are able to have your attorney present. Normally, the other attorney is also present, as is the opposing party. A court reporter will take notes and make sure that the deposition is properly recorded. The deposition can be recorded by tape, typed up with a special transcriber machine, and/or placed on videotape. You will be placed under oath, and the attorney for the other side can ask you questions about your case. Your attorney will be able to object to the questions asked, if appropriate. After the deposition is completed, either side can ask that it be typed up (transcribed.) Attorneys can use the transcript from the deposition at trial or in support of motions filed in your case.
Product liability is a legal term that holds the seller of a defective product responsible for any injury that results to a buyer, user, or in some cases, an innocent bystander. Defendants in product liability cases may include manufacturers, distributors, and retailers.
Anybody can get involved in litigation. Disagreements and disputes occur on a daily basis. You might disagree with a fee you have been charged for a car repair, while the mechanic is convinced that the price is perfectly fair. You might have a dispute with your ex-spouse about the furniture that you bought together, etc.
Litigation cases can involve disputes between individuals, individuals, and businesses, or individuals and government agencies.
A class-action lawsuit is when different persons combine their lawsuits because the facts and the defendant are so similar. This is designed to save court time and to allow one judge to hear all the cases at the same time and to make one decision binding on all parties. Class action lawsuits would typically occur after a plane or train accident where all the victims would sue the transport company together in a class-action suit.
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